Monday, June 22, 2009

back in the hospital

the trip home was a short one for my dad. On Thursday, he became very sick and he was up all night vomiting. Early Friday morning my mom rushed him to the emergency room where they immediately admitted him. He was extremely dehydrated and his blood sugar level was dangerously high; around 30 (a normal level is about 7). After getting hooked up to the IV and getting some rest he was feeling much better. They believe this likely happened because there was a blockage in his system caused by some scar tissue. They decided to keep him overnight on Friday for observation. We had hoped he would be out on Saturday or Sunday, unfortunately that has not been the case. Through regular blood work they noticed his white blood cell count was too high, and was continually increasing. This is usually the sign of an infection. So, although they were very tentative to order another CT scan because he has had two fairly recently, they felt they had no choice. The CT scan discovered a blood clot near his liver. Initial indications suggested it was very serious. Thankfully, the doctor said late last night that it was only a partial clot, which is still serious, although it likely won't travel to the heart or brain which can cause serious damage and even death. So, he is on an anti-biotic and blood thinners and will likely be in the hospital until Wednesday. Dad is looking really low in energy and looks very sad. I'm also starting to feel very warn down from all of this and am getting frustrated.
As many of you know the one thing that breaks my heart in this world (as I'm sure it does yours), is the suffering. I know all of us have felt those hopeless emotions when we know someone we love is suffering. And it just plain sucks!
I really pray this is the last major hiccup in what looks like a long recovery.
Thanks for your continued messages and kind words everyone.
I let my dad know about each and everyone of you who have provided words of support and encouragement. He is so grateful, as am I.

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